Volatility Traders Are Rewarded in the 2022 Market Roller Coaster
Market volatility is sometimes seen negatively by investors, yet it may be helpful in the long term. It may assist you in locating stock chances that have been steadily rising for some time but are not yet rocketing higher. Volatility traders produced some of their highest gains in years in 2022. Some strategies that avoided stock volatility, and others that gambled on market volatility made large returns as a result of volatility in bonds, currencies, and a recurring cycle of equities relief rallies following a heavy selloff. Stocks are increasing as a consequence of favorable economic statistics and investor optimism about the future of certain sectors. This may cause a stock's price to rise, but investors must be cautious not to overpay for stocks that may fall in value later due to unfavorable news or investor mood. Traders should seek equities that have been steadily heading up but aren't yet surging higher, particularly those with wider-than-normal intraday swings. They ...